Goodgame Billiard Official

Mezz Break Cue PB Kai Sport Wrap PBKG-K

Mezz Cue

Rp 8.200.000

Boost Your Break
After years of R&D on the break performance, Mezz engineers have created a more powerful and more accurate Power Break cue by redefining the innovative technology of the Deep Impact Shaft.
The reinvented Power Break Kai features the newly developed Deep Impact II combined with the composite wood butt technology that delivers additional power, speed and accuracy.  When using added speed needed for the break, the cue ball is often contacted off target.  The Power Break Kai is the solution to providing further power and control allowing you to dominate the game right from the start.
Wood Color:   Black
Butt Wood:   Composite Wood
Grip:   XPG Sports Grip
Shaft:   Deep Impact II (13 mm)
Tip:   Sonic
Joint:  United
Made in Japan
** Customization of Shaft Option and Shaft Length will incur an additional charge.
DIP-R Shaft – approximately 4.3 oz (122 g)
DIP-H Shaft – approximately 5.3 oz (150 g)
Note:   Power Break Kai Cue lightest weight with DIP-H Shaft is 19 oz.

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Goodgame Billiards Indonesia

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